Rational Numbers on the Number Line Worksheet

Free printable and online worksheets to help Grade 6 students learn how place and order rational numbers on the number line. opposites of rational numbers on the number line. Two rational numbers have opposite signs if they are on different sides of zero and that they have the same sign if they are on the same side of zero on the number line.

Rational Numbers on the Number Line

Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a fraction where the numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) are integers (whole numbers) and the denominator is not zero. We can represent rational numbers on a number line.

Understanding the Number Line:
Imagine a horizontal line with zero (0) marked in the center.
The number line extends infinitely to the right (positive numbers) and left (negative numbers).
Each equal interval on the number line represents a unit value. This unit value can be any quantity you choose (like 1, 5, or even fractions).

Positive rational numbers are placed to the right of zero on the number line.
The distance from zero represents the value of the fraction.

Negative rational numbers are placed to the left of zero on the number line.
The distance from zero represents the absolute value (ignoring the negative sign) of the fraction.

An important concept to remember is that between any two distinct points on the number line, you can always insert another rational number. This means rational numbers are infinitely dense on the number line, filling all the gaps between integers.

By understanding these steps and principles, you can effectively represent any rational number on a number line.

Compare Rational Numbers
We can compare rational numbers by plotting both the rational numbers on the number line.
The number located to the right on the number line is the greater number.
Conversely, the number located to the left is the smaller number.

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Rational Numbers on the Number Line Worksheet

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