
This "virtual" Self-Help Center has information and links to legal resources to help you represent yourself in Nebraska Courts. The information here is not a substitute for legal advice. You should talk with a lawyer licensed to practice law in Nebraska to get legal advice on your issue.

Self-Help Resources


In some circumstances people have chosen to represent themselves, or circumstances dictate that they do so. In order to ensure that self-representation is undertaken with as much understanding as possible, this portion of the Judicial Branch website is designed to connect you with information or services that will better inform you of your options. The materials provided on this website are a product of either the Office of the State Court Administrator or the Nebraska Supreme Court Committee on Self-Represented Litigation. While these materials have been approved by the Nebraska Supreme Court for publication on this website, they are provided as a public service and any questions regarding their use in your circumstances are best answered by an attorney.

If you choose to represent yourself in a court proceeding by use of this information, it is still recommended that you consult an attorney.

Please remember that court employees are prohibited for ethical reasons from dispensing advice or opinions about anything that may come before a court. We are also strictly precluded from interpreting any laws. If you need any legal advice, please contact a licensed attorney in your area.

The Nebraska Judicial Branch makes no endorsement or warranty of quality of services by linking to an organization from this website.