Operating grants Framework partnerships (LIFE)

Operating grants Framework partnerships (LIFE)

This call for proposals concerns LIFE Framework Partnership Agreements for Operating Grant (FPA OG).
Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) under the LIFE Programme are long-term cooperation instruments that serve as umbrella for regular or recurrent grants to non-profit making entities which are involved in the development, implementation and enforcement of EU legislation and policy and which are primarily active in the field of environment or climate action, including clean energy transition, in line with the objectives of the LIFE Programme. They are a prerequisite for being able to sign annual Specific Operating Grant Agreements (SGAs), but do not create any legitimate expectations or entitlement to get them.

Framework Partnership Agreements that will be concluded following the 2021 Call for Proposals for LIFE Framework Partnership Agreements for Operating Grant will cover the following three financial years of beneficiary organisations (i.e. FY 2022, FY 2023 and FY 2024). Specific Operating Grant Agreements (SGAs) will be awarded on an annual basis following an invitation to submit a proposal addressed to the framework partners. SGA OG can only be signed if an FPA has been signed, and before the end data of that FPA.

In 2021, due to time constrains, the calls for LIFE Framework Partnership Agreements and the call for LIFE Specific Operating Grant Agreements addressed t o framework partners are launched in parallel. Applicants must first complete the Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) application, and then use the FPA application reference number in their Specific Operating Grant Agreement application form. For further information on the call for LIFE Specific Operating Grant Agreements please consult call LIFE-2021-NGO-OG-SGA via the Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Submission System (accessible via the Topic page in the Search Funding & Tenders section)


The LIFE Framework Partnership Agreements with non-profit making entities aim to strengthen the participation of civil society in the EU policy dialogue , as well as to support implementation and enforcement of Union environmental and climate objectives by the beneficiaries. The present call for proposals targets framework partnerships aimed at achieving the objectives of the Environment, Nature , Climate and Clean Energy Transition LIFE sub-programmes. Scope — Activities that can be funded The Framework Partnership Agreements will set out the framework conditions governing grants to partners carrying out activities, on the basis of a 3- year outline action plan and agreed general objectives. This first-level agreement does not however constitute an obligation for the Commission to conclude a Specific Grant Agreement for an annual operating grant. Operating grants provide general financial support to the successful organisations. They do not support a specific project (like action grants), but the annual operating budget (or part of it) of the organisation. Operating grants follow the same rules for the grant agreements as action grants, but do not differentiate bet ween direct and indirect costs. Operating grants are always mono-beneficiary grant s supporting the annual activities of an organisation. Receiving an operating grant may have an impact on the possibility to receive the indirect costs flat-rate in an EU action grant (see EU Grants AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement, art 6.2.E).

Expected impact

Applicants are expected to explain and define how they will achieve the expected contributions as described under Award criteria 1 to 4 (see section 9). All LIFE projects will have to report on their expected outputs and impacts taking int o account the LIFE Key Performance indicators (KPIs). These KPIs will contribute to evaluating the impact of the LIFE project on an environmental but also socioeconomic level (e.g. via actions impacting the local economy and population). Please review the indicators in Part C of the eGrant application and complete them.

Goal II: A competitive, innovative and sustainable blue economy for the Black Sea / Priority 1: Foster innovative business models, stimulate research and innovation, and sustainable growth and up-to-date jobs

Deadline 28/09/2021 Country Romania Bulgaria Fund LIFE Programme Budget €37,110,000 Website Sector of Activity Renewable Energy