This Act assigns to the department responsible for planning and monitoring matters ("Department") the responsibility for the development, review, amendment and oversight of the national planning framework, national service delivery framework, annual budget framework paper and the Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP) monitoring and evaluation framework. The MTDP is a five-year plan published by the department responsible for planning and monitoring matters outlining the priorities of the Government over the relevant five-year period. The Department shall ensure that it consults all relevant State bodies when developing, reviewing and amending the national planning framework, national service delivery framework , annual budget framework paper and the MTDP monitoring and evaluation framework. The national planning framework consists of (in order of importance)- (a) the Constitution which provides the underlying directive principles; and (b) the National Strategy for Responsible Sustainable Development (NSRSD) which prescribes the consequent development paradigm; and (e) the Vision 2050 Human Development Index objective and its subsequent reviews; and (d) the MTDPs; and (e) the sector plans; and (f) the annual budgets relating to the implementation of the MTDP; and (g) any other documents made for such purposes. The Act also concerns service delivery, monitoring and evaluation of national planning mechanisms and sets out duties and responsibilities of state bodies with respect to (MTDP) planning.
This Act assigns to the department responsible for planning and monitoring matters ("Department") the responsibility for the development, review, amendment and oversight of the national planning framework, national service delivery framework, annual budget framework paper and the Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP) monitoring and evaluation framework. The MTDP is a five-year plan published by the department responsible for planning and monitoring matters outlining the priorities of the Governmen